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The eMatrix Sublative Skin Resurfacing uses radio frequency energy to improve texture, reduce pores, tighten the skin and smooth fine lines.

Radio frequency energy is delivered deep into the skin causing collagen stimulation and the production of healthy new cells resulting in clearer and smoother skin. Sublative Skin Resurfacing is FDA approved and it is safe for all skin types. The downtime is minimal and you can return to work the next day.

Sublative skin resurfacing uses fractionated bi-polar radio frequency to create thermal injury deep in the dermis of your skin while leaving the surface of the skin whole. This thermal injury causes fibroblasts to stimulate the generation of new collagen, and therefore accelerating the healing process of the areas affected by the thermal injury. Unhealthy cells are now replaced with fresh new cells for a smoother complexion.

This treatment is ideal for:

  • Softening acne scars

  • Refining texture irregularities

  • Reducing scars and blemishes

  • Collagen stimulation for anti-aging

  • Skin tightening resulting in smoother wrinkles/ fine lines

  • Pore reduction by tightening the pores


Consultations do not have to be done on a separate day, they can be done the same day as the treatment.


How does it work?

The eMatrix delivers bipolar radio frequency energy to the skin. The energy generates fractional deep dermal heating in the region of the electrode matrix to induce skin injury, this creates a wound healing response.

What does it feel like? Does it hurt?

Sublative is tolerable, a topical numbing cream may or may not be used. During treatment, many people feel a hot/warm, prickly sensation with mild discomfort. After treatment, a pink or red “sunburn” appearance and feeling is common.

What is the downtime?

You can continue you daily routine immediately after treatment; however the area will show small red dots that will gradually fade in 2-4 weeks.

How many sessions will I need?

This will vary from person to person depending on their individual skin concerns/condition. Generally we recommend a treatment course of 3-5 treatments spread 3-4 weeks apart.

When will I see results?

Immediately after the treatments many clients experience swelling and redness that will last a few hours to a few days. Some individuals will notice immediate results in the improvement of the texture and appearance of their skin, however, best results are often seen three to six months after since collagen production continues to increase and subsequent sessions are done, we call this the stacking effect.

How long does the treatment take?

The treatment can take anywhere from 15 minutes to 60 minutes, this varies on the area being treated and if the use of a topical numbing cream is being used.

Are there any restrictions for who can be treated?

Not suitable for patients who are pregnant, nursing, on Accutane within the last year.