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PicoWay® is an FDA-cleared picosecond laser that uses a high power laser beam with ultra-short pulses* to transform your skin from the inside out! PicoWay effectively treats acne scars, wrinkles, dark spots and removes unwanted tattoos – all with low to no downtime.

Tattoo Removal: PicoWay is a high power laser with ultra short pulses that shatters tattoo ink, but leaves the outer layer of the skin intact. PicoWay treats a wide range of tattoo colors across a broad range of skin types. Over a series of brief treatments, PicoWay can eliminate most tattoos.



Is PicoWay right for me?

If you are looking for a laser treatment that acts below the surface of the skin and offers low to no downtime, PicoWay may be the right laser for you. Ask your provider if PicoWay can help minimize your acne scars or wrinkles, or if it can remove bothersome dark spots or tattoos that you no longer want.

Is PicoWay safe?

Side effects with PicoWay are typically transient and expected as part of the laser treatment. Patients experience low to no downtime. In some cases, patients may use a topical anesthetic to enhance comfort during the treatment. More common side effects include redness, swelling, pinpoint bleeding, tingling or purplish spots. These effects will differ, however, depending on the treatment you receive.

Are PicoWay treatments painful?

How PicoWay feels will be dependent on the treatment you receive. Those undergoing tattoo removal are likely to experience some pain and discomfort with treatment. With PicoWay Resolve treatment, most patients reported low levels of pain during treatment for wrinkles and mild to no discomfort for acne scar treatment.

How does laser tattoo removal work?

Laser tattoo removal works by a concentrated light being pulsated into the pigments of the tattoo. The pigment then breaks down and the body’s immune system removes it. Different lasers target different colors in the tattoo to remove it. There are three different types of lasers each designed to target certain colors in a tattoo. The intense light from a laser breaks up the particles in the ink as it penetrates the skin which results in the tattoo fading. Over time, the pigments are naturally removed with the help of the immune system. It can take several sessions to achieve the desired results, typically at least three weeks apart to let the area recover and the pigment to be removed. The amount of sessions depends on the size of the area.

How long does it take?

A PicoWay treatment generally takes ten to thirty minutes, depending on the size of the area treated and the treatment being done. In regards to tattoos, we can remove most tattoos in 3 to 10 sessions. The number of sessions needed vary based on many factors such as tattoo quality, how old it is, your lympathic system and more. Between each session, we have to wait 8 to 12 weeks to allow the body time to eliminate the ink that has been fragmented by the laser. For the brows we have to wait 6 to 8 weeks. Overall, it normally takes about 9 to 12 months to complete a tattoo removal treatment.

Can all tattoo colours be treated?

We can treat all tattoo colours due to PicoWays 3 wavelength technology

What skin colours can be treated?

With the power of PicoWay we are able to perform procedures on many different skin tones. With its photoacoustic effect, we no longer have to use heat as a means to get rid of a tattoo. When the photothermal effect was the only way to remove a tattoo, this increased the risks of scarring, burning, and pain, especially with those that have a darker skin tone.

How long does it take to remove a tattoo?

The number of treatments depend on many factors including the age, location, depth, size and type of tattoo. Most tattoos require five to eight treatments with the PicoWay for optimal results. The amount of sessions required to completely remove a tattoo varies from tattoo to tattoo and person to person

Does tattoo removal work on microbladed eyebrows?

YES, we use the Picoway which is the fastest and most effective tattoo laser removal technology in today’s market. As such it is extremely effective in removing your eyebrow tattoo or microblading

Laser tattoo removal and the sun?

If you are planning to head to a sunny destination with a lot of sun exposure, you may want to put off your laser tattoo removal treatment until after you return- Why? Because extreme sun can harm your tattoo removal process. If you can avoid sun exposure to the treatment area then there are no restrictions Recovery time after treatment is important, if you CANNOT avoid the sun (naturally walking around) you must keep your tattoo loosely covered as much as possible, do not wear restrictive clothing or anything with excessive friction, and try to limit sun exposure to 10 minutes at a time.

How do I know if I am a candidate?

The PicoWay can remove tattoos on all skin colours. We recommend coming in for a consult with one of our experienced laser technicians to learn more about tattoo removal and what type of results to expect. During the consultation we will have a look at your tattoo, skin type, pricing and discuss other factors that we take into account for treatment

How much does it cost?

PicoWay cost varies by treatment type and size of the area. A treatment session may range from approximately $100 to several hundred dollars depending on the type of treatment, size of treatment area, number of treatment sessions and other factors. Only your provider can provide you with the expected cost depending on your condition. In general, it can be assumed that treating a larger area, such as a large tattoo, is a higher cost than treating a small tattoo or dark spot.

Are there any restrictions for who can be treated?

Unable to treat patients who are pregnant, nursing or on Accutane within the last year.



For more information on Picoway, visit the Candela medical website or check out the Picoway segment on The Doctors.