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DERMALINFUSION® is a patented, non-invasive, 3-in-1 dermatological treatment that simultaneously exfoliates, extracts, and infuses skin with condition specific serums for an all-inclusive treatment in one step.

It is the first and only critically-timed, exfoliation to-serum treatment technology with optimal-depth delivery for immediate and long-lasting results on all skin types—with no downtime.

Consultations do not have to be done on a separate day, they can be done the same day as the treatment.



How many sessions do I need?

Dermal Infusion treatments can be done whenever needed to get a deep cleanse, exfoliation and treatment! However, for best results we recommend a series of 3-5 sessions spaced every 4-6 weeks or sooner depending on the results desired and current skin condition.

How often do I need to come?

Generally, facials are recommended to be done once every 4-6 weeks for optimal skin health and maintenance.

How long after botox and filler should I wait?

We recommend waiting 14 days after botox or filler treatments (unless the filler or botox is an area we can avoid- such as the lips)

Are there any restrictions for who can be treated?

Not suitable for patients who are pregnant or have been on Accutane within the last year.