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PicoWay® is an FDA-cleared picosecond laser that uses a high power laser beam with ultra-short pulses* that shatters tattoo ink, but leaves the outer layer of the skin intact. PicoWay treats a wide range of tattoo colors across a broad range of skin types. Over a series of brief treatments, PicoWay can eliminate most tattoos – all with low to no downtime.


Who is it for?

Anyone looking to permanently remove or fade eyebrow tattoos.

How long do I have to wait after getting my Brow Tattooed/ Micobladed to have it removed?

Generally, we would wait 1.5 months in order to allow the brows to be fully healed before removal. Once healed treatment can ve done once every 6 weeks.

Does a test patch spot need to be done prior to treatment?

Yes, a patch test is required, we will need to see the reaction of the ink with our laser within 24 hours, results wouldn't be seen for 6 weeks.

How long is a treatment session?

Under 5 minutes

Will my eyes be affected by the laser?

No, we require protective eyewear to be worn the entire session.

What type of Brow tattoos can we remove?

We can safely remove microblading, ombré, powder, nano and/or combination brows (this depends on type of ink used as ink can go darker).

Do I need to shave the eyebrow hair?

No need to shave the existing hair.

Will Hair follicles be damaged?

Hair follicles will not be damaged, and the pigment of the tattoo will lift without burning or scarring the skin. The pulse of a Picoway laser is too short to affect the hair follicle. Cosmetic tattoo removal is completely safe with natural hair production. Hairs will not fall out due to the laser treatment.

Will my eyebrow hair be affected?

We recommend to not tint eyebrow hair between treatments as hair can be damaged if tint or lamination has been done prior to treatment. When the hair is darker, there is a higher chance the Picoway laser may pull some pigment and the hair turn white, this is completely natural and temporary as it does not damage the follicle. We do our best to work around the hair.

Can I apply Makeup right after treatment?

Avoid make-up for 48 -72 hours to decrease the chance of infection, however if brows are still blistered or tender, do not apply makeup until it is healed.

Should I numb prior to treatment?

This is optional. If you decide to use numbing cream; we would recommend applying numbing prior to your arrival (the cream must have time to set and take effect, refer to the directions on product). We will remove the numbing cream once you are in your appointment.

Is the Laser the same as your Laser Hair Removal machine?

No. We use the Gentlemax Pro for Hair removal.

What can help regrow eyebrow hair faster?

Some people find that applying a mixture of castor oil and aloe vera gel nightly can enhance brow growth and strengthen hair.

How does eyebrow tattoo removal work?

Laser tattoo removal works by a concentrated light being pulsated into the pigments of the tattoo, breaking it up into particles. The pigment then breaks down and the body’s immune system removes it.

How painful is it?

It can feel like a rubber band snapping against your skin. Each pulse treats an area approximately the size of a pencil eraser. Even with numbing cream you can still feel the sensation.

Are there any side effects?

You might experience some redness and temporary discoloration or lightening of the area that was treated. The skin will however return to its original skin tone in the weeks following your eyebrow tattoo removal treatment.

Is it Safe?

The surrounding skin is not affected by the treatment: epidermal and dermal cells are not destroyed and stay viable. The risk of permanent scarring is estimated to be less than 2% in published studies and is usually observed as a loss of some pigmentation or a change in the texture of the skin.

What happens after treatment?

Immediately after the treated area turns white like a frosting and will be red and swell slightly. This frosting usually fades within twenty minutes. The redness and swelling can last for up to 48 hours. Keeping the skin cool and dry for the first day or two is the best way to speed up the healing process (apply an ice pack in 15-minute intervals to the treated area). The skin usually returns to normal in about 7 to 10 days (after the redness and swelling subside they may still look the same at this point). The ink will likely turn red after the first session and will fade down gradually to lighter reds/pinks/yellows until it is gone.

Will the tattoo completely disappear?

Yes, in most cases. Greater than 95% of the tattoo may be eliminated. However, it is very important to know that over 100 multicolored tattoo inks are in use today. Not knowing what type of tattoo ink, how deep or how much ink has been put in, makes it impossible for one to predict the exact percentage of removal on any given tattoo. It can take up to 6 weeks to see the results from the 1st session.

How many sessions will I need?

Simple eyebrow tattoos often take only a handful of sessions spaced 6-8 weeks apart. May vary from 3 to 10 sessions. The number of treatments it will take to remove a cosmetic tattoo depends heavily on the type of tattoo, the patient’s skin, and the ink color and type used.

Can I cover up my Brow tattoo?

You need to consult your Brow artist

Are all tattooed eyebrows’ candidates for removal?

Not all cosmetic tattoos are the same, during a free consultation, we evaluate the tattoo and the medical history and medications of each client along with their skin type, the color of ink, with depth and density of the cosmetic tattoo to determine if it’s safe to perform a test spot. 1 week after the patch test, we will analyze if we think we will have a successful outcome and proceed forward with those clients with a high likelihood of full removal.

Is there proper eyebrow tattoo removal aftercare that needs to be followed?

Aquaphor or Vaseline for 3 days. No makeup, scrubs or activities until the area is fully healed (feels normal to touch). No sun exposure or make sure you apply sunscreen always between treatments. Drink lots of fluids.

Are there any restrictions for who can be treated?

Unable to treat patients who are pregnant, nursing or on Accutane within the last year.



For more information on Picoway, visit the Candela medical website or check out the Picoway segment on The Doctors.